I might need to pivot away from the weekly/dailies toward more big picture stuff for the rest of the year to get everything covered and so we can start looking at 2022!
For now, let's take a peek at some of the bigger December energies.
The year goes out with a bang folks!
DECEMBER 1st - Neptune stations direct. Good news for Pisces people, especially Pisces risings since Neptune is your chart ruler, and those with Pisces planets/placements. Neptune has been retrograde in his home sign of Pisces since the end of June. His direct movement will green light creative projects, our imagination, spirituality, charity. Clarity can return, or depending on our Pisces placements, illusion/delusion can grow stronger as Neptune strengthens. The key to working with Neptune direct is to release our grip on whatever is falling away/dissolving and the current will begin to pull us forward.
Since Neptune/Pisces rules viruses we will have to see what happens near this date. He is already still/stationing as I write this on the 26th of November, so we are in the 'confusing' part of the Neptune station.
DECEMBER 4th - Solar Eclipse New Moon in Sagittarius (12 degrees) - our final Eclipse of the last 18 month Sagittarius/Gemini cycle - this one on the South Node. This can bring a culmination/the final word on a matter or be more about the new start the ending ushers in. Much will depend on what we have learned from the last 18 months and how we have applied those lessons. We will talk about this in a BIG post this week.
DECEMBER 18th - Full Moon in Gemini (the Moon at 27 degrees opposes the Sun in Sag) - the Sun conjunct the Galactic Center makes this an important Full Moon - the first we've had in Gemini in 18 months that hasn't been an Eclipse. The Galactic Center - center of our very own Milky Way Galaxy - is our homing signal/portal to other galaxies. So, the Sun here is bringing in new/alien information that is "unknown" - it's not a coincidence the Galactic Center sits in late Sag - a space of hope/optimism/taking some risk because in Sagittarius we can't be "sure"/we deal with wisdom/philosophy rather than facts. We have to go on faith. So, the Sun's light is on this "unknown" data - and people with planets/points near the Galactic Center will be getting 'downloaded' with this as the Moon - because remember the Full Moon is a lunar event - is opposing with the information/facts/details. It is interesting this Full Moon is coming after we finish up the Sag/Gemini Eclipses and have released old beliefs that are no longer working. Here are the seeds of new beliefs - through that Galactic Center activation - even as the Full Moon in Gemini closes out a Gemini story that started last June. This Moon is making nice to the Moon in the U.S. birthchart - so helpful to 'the people' and will be making a semi-sextile to the U.S. natal Pluto, on course for its first return to its natal position on 2/22/22. We will talk about this Full Moon in a BIG post.
DECEMBER 19th - Venus starts her 40 days and 40 night retrograde through Capricorn, stationing retrograde conjunct powerful PLUTO - their exact conjunction is December 11th and they have another meeting on Christmas Day with Venus retrograde. December 19th is also the day Chiron stations direct (retrograde since the middle of July). So, now we are re-assessing what we love/value. In Cappy, no doubt our careers/the work we do. The way we work with and step into our own authority. What we need to feel stable. Keep in mind, Cappy is not fast moving energy, so much of what we are doing now may be about planning/laying foundations. I will write a BIG post about this one.
We want to keep in mind that one month from now - on January 18th - the North Node will move into Taurus and start answering to Venus. This retrograde is helping us get our ducks in a row/get clear on what matters - before the next 18 month Taurus/Scorpio nodal switch.
DECEMBER 24th - Saturn makes his third of three exact squares to Uranus in 2021 - here is the year going out with a BANG. Saturn is direct, Uranus is still retrograde. This one is 11 degrees Aquarius vs Taurus. Again, this is the old vs the new. Responsibilities to the group/status quo vs personal values/liberty. This transit has impacted almost everything that has happened in 2021. Both collectively and personally. And keep in mind this is happening with Venus conjunct Pluto. Finances could be impacted. Expect a BIG post.
Note on January 1st - the year's first aspect - we have the Sun (in Saturn ruled Capricorn) trining (brakes off) Uranus, so something from today could smooth out a bit then as our Cappy house theme, a space we naturally tend to be more traditional/stable/patient is pulled into this square.
DECEMBER 28th - Jupiter enters Pisces! Now our Pisces house is where we are getting lucky. We attract that luck/those opportunities (as always with Jupiter through hope, optimism, faith, taking some risk) through Pisces - our imagination, compassion, intuition, prayer, our ancestors/our past lives. Sometimes with Pisces a sacrifice is required. We will have to watch any tendency to self-sabotage through escapist habits/addictions/self-deception, but, with Jupiter being the ancient ruler of Pisces, we will all benefit from this transit. Also Jupiter gets out from under Saturn's thumb for the first time in two years, and Neptune (Pisces ruler) is direct by now, which will surely help. Note - this is going to be a FAST transit. You might remember, Jupiter dipped his toe into these waters in 2021, so this is actually a second pass through some of these degrees. Jupiter will be in Aries by May and then return to Pisces during his retrograde from October 28, 2022 until December 20th for us to go back and mine the Piscean opportunities we missed the first time through!
2022 - some highlights ...
JANUARY 18th - the Nodes move from Gemini/Sag to Taurus/Scorpio. Expect a BIG post this week. We'll talk about how to prepare and what to expect. This is an 18 month transit. The South Node in Scorpio is our past, but also where we are now. Living with death/rising from our sweaty deathbed sheets. Living through a tremendous transformation. Merged monies/debts/inheritances that are not working/strangling people. Intimacies that have outlived their expiration dates. With Scorpio we have the shadow of control and jealousy and normalizing taking on too much that can fuel greed. Scorpio is complicated. Taurus - answering to Venus - is appointed our North Star (guiding light) and keep in mind, Venus is retrograde when this cycle kicks off, so the past is very much the future at this point.
Taurus North Node means we will be prioritizing our physical bodies/physical senses, quality over quantity, our relationship with nature, valuing simple over complicated, what we already have over what someone else does, our food, resources, money. Mother Earth - Taurus ruled - will have something to say about this transit, too. I am reminded of my grandmother's advice about prioritizing everything that comes between you and the Earth - this will include your shoes, your mattress, the tires on your car. Fixed earth practicality. Valuing ourselves and our physical existence.
NOTE - this is also the day of the Cancer Full Moon opposing the Sun/Pluto conjunct in Cappy, as Uranus stations direct and just hours before the Sun moves into Uranus-ruled Aquarius and crosses that WORLD STARTS UP AGAIN - 0 degrees Aqua from January 2021. Mercury will be retrograde and moving through Aquarius backwards at this point.
Oh my.
FEBRUARY 16TH AND MARCH 6TH - 2022 will have TWO Venus/Mars conjunctions (due to Venus's retrograde). Their first meeting will be in Capricorn and their 2nd meeting with Venus direct will be at 0 degrees Aquarius - the HOT degree from the very end of 2020 when Jupiter met Saturn and the world started up again. Mars is exalted in Capricorn and Venus gets along well with Cappy ruler Saturn, so likes Cappy, too - this is fresh new energy, independence, the future. Looks good.
FEBRUARY 17TH - Jupiter sextiles Uranus - days before the exact Pluto return of the United States, this is good news, too. Out of the blue LUCK. Unexpected expansion. The future is calling. This can be good news for people with planets/points near 11 degrees Taurus and with all the changes they've been through with Uranus, they most decidedly deserve it.
FEBRUARY 22nd - the first exact pass of the United States Pluto return - BIG post coming in early December about this one. Venus and Mars will be conjunct the TIME RUNS OUT Cappy degree of January 2020 (home of U.S. natal Narcissus), the North Node will be EXACT on Algol (malevolent fixed star, post coming about his connection to algorithms ie how are thinking is being controlled) and conjunct Sedna as well as the U.S. natal Wuhan/Pandora conjunction (also Trump's mid-heaven and Kamala Harris's natal Jupiter and Facebook's Jupiter/Algol/Sun 10th house trifecta). The North Node will also be on the degree of November 2021's FIRST Taurus Lunar Eclipse. Lots of the Asteroids will be active.
APRIL 12TH - Jupiter meets up with Neptune in Pisces. Pisces ancient ruler and modern ruler join together in their own sign. There is a chance for something to go terribly wrong (delusion, addiction, escape) or TERRIBLY RIGHT. We are going to have Saturn squaring the Nodes on this day, too - so big turning points/crossroads. Mars will enter Pisces a couple days later with all this still in play and we'll have a Full Moon in Libra ramping everything up.
APRIL 30TH - New Moon Solar Eclipse 10 degrees Taurus as Pallas enters Taurus. Note - Mercury will station retrograde between these two Eclipses (he will station direct on June 3rd at 26 degrees Taurus - the HOT eclipse, Algol/algorithms, Pandora/Wuhan degree, Sedna). MAY 16TH - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, 25 degrees Scorpio, opposing Algol, as Ceres enters Cancer - Ceres could be, at least the co-ruler of Taurus one day, so we'll keep an eye on her during the Taurus/Scorpio Eclipses of the next couple years.
JULY 13TH - Full Moon in Capricorn conjunct the still HOT "time runs out" January 2020 degree, 21 Cappy.
JULY 31ST - Uranus meets the North Node, at 18 degrees Taurus and opposes the South Node at 18 degrees Scorpio. BIG CHAOTIC PUSH INTO THE FUTURE. We'll talk about this in a BIG post. We really need to be valuing ourselves here/knowing what matters/have our feet on the ground here. We want to be keyed in to what supports us. To what really matters as we move through 2022. Earthquakes, environmental issues that force change? Or is this when Facebook launches their Meta-verse? Big connections to their chart with this one (plus all the Taurus hot degrees surrounding Algol/algorithms/controlling our thinking). Me thinks (while I still can, sort of), since authority seems more intent on reining in our freedoms than big tech's use of algorithms we had better get some grip here ourselves, before Saturn leaves Aquarius in early 2023.
OCTOBER 30TH - Mars is going to station retrograde in Gemini at 25 degrees (conjunct Kamala Harris's ascendant and Trump's Sun) and move back to 8 degrees and then turn around on January 12th, 2024 and start moving forward. Since he will back and forth across almost the entire sign and activating lots of Eclipse energy from the Gemini/Sag cycle, this is a VERY BIG deal. Why do I keep mentioning Trump here? Isn't he yesterday's news? Well Jupiter (good luck/expansion) is conjunct his North Node (fate) on Election Day 2024 - and Trump's North Node is sandwiched between his Uranus/Sun conjunction (Sun rules his chart) in his 10th house of career. We'll need to keep an eye on him, too, as we move through this BIG year for the United States.
Then we come to the 2022 fall Eclipses, yada, yada, I am getting WAY too far ahead of myself now.
We will unpack all of these in their own posts - starting with this week's BIG Eclipse, Venus's retrograde over "time runs out", the final Saturn/Uranus square on Christmas Eve, Jupiter's journey through Pisces (YAY for this one) and the incredibly CHALLENGING/OPPORTUNISTIC, with an emphasis on opportunistic, mind-bending astrology of 2022.
Because these energies aren't just empowering the future/tech/science (for better or worse) as the patriarchy crashes and burns - these energies are empowering US.
We are also going to talk more about the asteroids. The planets are almost all masculine archetypes. All the asteroids/dwarf planets, mostly feminine energies and truly, truly pregnant with new possibilities - are fragments of culture/our personal stories woven into the strands of our DNA to be activated as they are discovered and synchronistically named. There are thousands of them. Is it any wonder life is more complex than ever?!
We either bust every telescope on the planet - would this work? Probably not - or we learn to flow with the changes of universal consciousness/sometimes chaos.
For the United States one important question is - how do we move into a more equal and humane culture with this myth/dark cloud of American exceptionalism hanging over our heads. Probably we can't, so along comes our Pluto return just in the nick of time. Kaboom. Obama, Trump, Biden, our relationship to "the other"/scapegoats, the virus/our responses and their ramifications disrupting our Capricorn second house perception of who we are, what is valuable/what matters, what goals are important, how we maintain and support ourselves and others.
It's surely time to pivot, personally and collectively, but still tangled in the dead cords of the old world we are unsure what that would look like and what that even means, but if we don't do something different we are going to feel more and more empty. Yet, we think - because all we remember for lifetimes and lifetimes is this patriarchy/hierarchy of naked emperors that once supported us - is that if we can only get things to be more stable/more like they used to be, we will be ok.
Would it surprise you to learn this would not feel ok even if we got it?
Anyhoo, it's Sagittarius season, I've had way too many sweet potatoes and to quote Helen Keller, "life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all". We are all here together in this experience for a reason, folks. We have to have faith. We have to keep moving. We are building a new world, but some of the materials we are needing haven't even arrived yet, so let's take a breath.
Tomorrow Mercury meets the Sun - this is a culmination point within our Sag house, surely something comes to light/dawns on us here. On Monday we have a lovely Libra Moon sextiling the Sun - excellent for cooperation, balance - and Mercury trines Chiron, Mars trines Neptune, all kinds of smooth energies. Looks like a good way to start the week.
xo all - back with the Eclipse post, please excuse any typos/nonsense, too tired to re-read
artwork by the talented Antonio Deluca