On Monday, November 27, 2024 at 4:16AM EST the Gemini Moon opposes the Sagittarius Sun giving us this month's Full Moon - our annual Full Moon in Gemini.
Full Moons are times of heightened emotions. The sky is bright. Something is illuminated. It shows us what we are holding onto/where we are/what is reaching its peak/what is finishing up. In Gemini this is about communication and learning, opinions and options. Our siblings and local community. Stuff that is moving. Stuff that changes.
Gemini is the sign of duality (and how, yes, two things can be true/right at the same time) - think of its symbol of 'the twins' - and we often find we will almost always have more than one important thing going on at the time of a Gemini Full Moon.
There will also surely be more than one way forward.
With the Moon in Gemini and the Sun in Gemini's opposing sign of Sagittarius - the Gemini/Sagittarius polarity is activated.
This is mutable air vs mutable fire.
Flexible, adaptable - these are signs of transition periods. Mutable signs are restless and prepare us for the change of seasons. Gemini is ruled by Mercury and rules our collective 3rd house of day to day communication and language. It also rules siblings, neighbors, cousins, local travel, early education, transportation - movement. Its polarity sign is Sagittarius. Sag rules our collective 9th house of the larger world aspects of movement. So big picture thinking and processes, philosophy, higher education, foreigners, long distance travel, legal issues, etc.
Let's dive right in and unpack the chart!
The Moon, at 4 degrees Gemini, opposes the Sun, at 4 degrees Sagittarius. The Sun is still conjunct Mars and Ceres, lined up like dominoes in fiery Sag and opposing the Moon. The Moon is inconjunct Vesta and squares Saturn and Black Moon Lilith. So, we have the Moon forming a mutable Grand Cross. Mercury, the ruler of this Moon as the ruler of Gemini, is at 24 degree Sagittarius - covering a degree he/she will walk two more times during his upcoming retrograde. We will be BACK HERE AGAIN. 24 degrees looks uber busy right now. Eris is STILL - and this means they are moving in unison, so fascinating - almost to the second, conjunct the North Node of Fate in Aries - both trining Mercury EXACT. Mercury is squaring Neptune EXACT and sextiling Venus, separating. Venus is conjunct the South Node. Jupiter trines Pluto.
This looks like a frustrating/tense Full Moon that will color our next couple weeks. The Moon's final aspect is an opposition to Mercury - ruler of the Full Moon - so, looks challenging. BUT, something to keep in mind with the mutable signs and Gemini in particular is that there is ALWAYS ANOTHER WAY.
Let's take a look.
The Moon squares Saturn. Lunar aspects to Saturn indicate we will be FEELING WHAT WE DON'T HAVE. Saturn can feel depressing. With Saturn in Pisces - our boundaries can be leaky, and if they are, we will be feeling it. Authority/agency (including our own) is weak. Saturn can refine and restrict choices/words. We could feel restless or hemmed in. Instead of fighting the blockage, and remember Mars is squaring Saturn, too - we can find a way to work within the limits. And we may need to be the one setting the limits. If we learned at Thanksgiving that too many cooks spoil the broth (or turkey) - what changes do we need to make? There are only so many hours in the day/days in our life.
(I said something at Thanksgiving, and I had already looked at this Full Moon chart and should have seen this coming, that I regretted, and have now spent days ruminating over. BOUNDARIES NEEDED. AND MAYBE ZIPPED LIPS.)
The Moon's inconjunct to Vesta in Cancer speaks of uncomfortable home and family situations that require nuanced conversations, and, even then, things will not be totally settled. That's OK. Settled is rarely true and highly over-rated anyway these days.
The Moon's square to Black Moon Lilith in Virgo pulls in tension/frustration via things like - unfinished work, not paying attention to details, not being organized, not wanting to be practical or ordinary (remember BML triggers wounds/shame around things that are perfectly normal, so if we have been shamed for being neat, careful, caring, concerned - Virgo 'normal' - our reactions can squeeze out sideways as she squares the Full Moon and we take pains to prove we are not any of these things). Not finishing, so we don't have to be 'judged' or produce something that isn't perfect or excellent fits here, too.
Mercury's exact square to Neptune can pull in misunderstandings, and, with Mercury in Sagittarius, fantasies and over-inflated hope that blur our focus. People could have dubious intentions and we could be seeing dubious intentions where things are just muddled. Not everything we hear will be true. Maybe not everything we say. Sometimes squares with Neptune pull us off course because we get sick/tired. Sometimes we self-sabotage, and, sometimes, yes, this is all the same thing as the sick/tired. Take your vitamins. Double check your communications. Think twice before saying something out loud. Is this true? Is this necessary? Can I make myself clearer? Do I need to forgive/grieve/let some thought/idea/conversation go?
At this Full Moon we have to double check information/think carefully about ideas. Check out what people are telling us. Situations could be foggy and choices prone to disappearing.
Squares to Neptune can be exhausting. Confusing. Wet. We get tired. We get sick. We need a rest/a break. We might face a disappointment. We martyr. We self-sabotage. We get nostalgic and dream/regret the days away.
The good news for Mercury, and us, is Mercury trines Eris and the North Node. Our collective best way forward has been tied to Eris for a few weeks. Eris was the Goddess whose toss of the golden apple was blamed for the start of the Trojan War that ultimately destroyed the relationship of men and their Gods. I am connecting her to chaos/disorder/the discontent that stirs change/sometimes trouble. She catalyzes shocks to our system via our troublemaker/whistle blower/terrorist energies, but maybe as the feminine energy rises she is actually more the potential for a new kind of solution than the actual cause of the trouble - which is just what she exposes. Eris won't be stuffed into the closet/under the couch/shut out. As Mercury trines Eris/North Node the stuff that won't stay stuffed will be talked about. Invited to the Thanksgiving dinner table. Or she/it will invite herself.
After opposing the Sun - the Moon will trine Venus, square Neptune and finally oppose Mercury, the Gemini Full Moon's ruler before going void The Moon's trine to a powerful Venus in her home sign is a smooth flow with what we want/what we can attract, the square to Neptune might speak of deception or self-deception and then there is that final opposition to Mercury - just before Mercury crosses the Galactic Center, moves into Capricorn and sextiles Saturn. A Moon's final aspect being an opposition to the Moon's ruler makes me think we are working against ourselves somehow here or at cross-purposes.
I am wondering if what we started at the Gemini New Moon back in the middle of June - (that Moon squared Neptune back then, just as Mercury, the Moon's ruler, does now) is dissolving now or will the Moon's square to Saturn followed by Mercury's sextile - not to mention the power of the Mutable Grand Cross - allow us to turn lemons into lemonade if we can somehow navigate this changing/uncertain terrain.
I won't sugarcoat this. The Moon makes no 'good' aspects. Must oppose the Sun/Mars/Ceres pile-up. Must square Saturn and Black Moon Lilith and inconjunct Vesta. AND her final aspect is an opposition to her own ruler. The words 'forged by fire' come to mind.
Makes me think back to the Gemini New Moon cycle, back in mid-June, that this Full Moon cycle is closing out - the one with so many options and its own Neptune square that warned of too little follow-through, leaky boundaries, deception and choices prone to DISAPPEARING.
The Moon's ruler Mercury squares Neptune which is, again, dissolving/depleting/deceptive and trines (brakes off) the Eris/North Node conjunction. Here is our way out/through, but it won't be easy to figure out what it means. There might be distractions and things that look better, or maybe sometimes worse, than they actually are. We can see the way forward now is tossing that damn apple - ERIS/North Node - not being afraid to take a seat at the table/stir the pot. The North Node is in Aries, so surely we must be brave, self-sufficient and independent. Fights cannot always be avoided and playing fair is not always what Aries does. The path of least resistance is unlikely to be the best path. And it could be there isn't even a path of least resistance at all!
The Grand Cross that the Moon is forming, is in the mutable (changeable) signs and could be about our options being at cross purposes. Multiple situations may come up. To work with Cross energy effectively takes balance - too much emphasis in any one place can cause us to shift off center. Stay flexible and keep moving! And yes, like actually moving, too - long walks in that Full Moon could be a good thing. With Venus on the South Node, fated endings are possible now.
By Wednesday, the Moon will be in Cancer, her home sign, licking her wounds and we should be catching our breath, figuring out our options/next moves before she opposes Pluto on Friday ....
back with the weekly tonight where we will untangle this knot of a Full Moon a bit more ...
xo all
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