The magical world of astrology!

The magical world of astrology!2023-11-15T16:55:27-05:00

The birthchart is a blueprint identifying our gifts, talents and deep-rooted belief systems and psychological patterns. It also reveals the keys to fulfilling our creative potential. Using this map as a guide, we can learn to embrace those challenges, discover the gifts they offer, and transform them into totems of power. Astrological forces and planetary patterns also shape the world we live in, something I cover in the Astrological Musings blog, a fascinating look at life through the astrological lens.

You’ll find lots of free articles here; just use the search bar to look up any query. You’ll also find information about personal consultations including testimonials and frequently asked questions. If you like what you’re reading, you can sign up in the sidebar to receive updates and astrological forecasts by email.

“Bela brings incredible skill, depth, and insight to her analysis of charts. I cannot emphasize enough the accurate her take on my and my partner’s charts was, and how much it helped me to move forward with the intuitions I already had about my personal transformation. I am a counseling astrologer myself, and wanted to have a reading from someone who would take my interpretations to the next level. Bela certainly fulfilled this wish, and so much more. Our reading left me feeling grounded and confident in my intuitions, and empowered to give myself the care and compassion that I deserve at this point in my life. I recommend her highly to anyone who wants to see what astrology can really do in the hands of a profoundly gifted reader.”

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